2009 : CLASSES directory = Theatre UAF
Lul Theatre Academe (AA Ethiopia) = classe.vtheatre.net
Film Classes Directory (with a lot of the theatre courses files).
![]() I keep my classes pages open, because they are another way to commucated through the subject pages. The comopositions of the directories constantly modified (new pages, changed order -- you can compare the same class evolution from one year to the next). The "Next" function is useless and makes everything even more confusing. Better rely on the listing in the floting frame (top left). The HTMLgears you see on many pages throw links at random; just to give you an additional way to surf. I began to make the content pages for each directory to organize files in book-like style. There are Teach pages with the overall vew on my teaching. For theatre sites I am building my online portfolio, which also can help to see what I have and what I don't. Please, use FAQ or subscribe to my FORUMS and stay updated. Another way is to bookmark pages you plan to visit again. 2005: The purpose of my online production books was to assist myself, cast and crew during pre-production and rehearsal periods. After the show is over I use webpages for my classes: directing, acting, drama. ...
Old Directing Pages are indicated with Triangle and some with dark bgcolor. 2001 webpages (new or updated) with the white bg.Everything about ACTING is at Theatre w/Anatoly and Ant Theatre!
Film-North is about Filmmaking and Film Theory.
Books online are on Books pages and in Mining Directory
I am about to make a new directory for Film Links, but for now you can check my links at Open Directory Project (Film Theatre) and Absolute Authority (I am an editor at both).
DE, Web, Online:
The more time they spend on learning activities (virtual or not), the more likely they are to retain information, skills, or processes associated with learning. Because the students seem to like the www, they seem to do the learning exercises I provide them with greater vigor than more traditional papers and research. I also use the internet to facilitate communication outside of class time, but then, that extends my out of class student contact by quite a bit.2005 updates: Small Chekhov Fall * "Four Farces & One Funeral" -- Chekhov.05All contacts are electronic, and all papers, tests, and reports are handled electronically. The student still reads a text, goes to see theatre, and thinks about what place such activities may hold in their own lives. He or she does so remotely and within the framework established by the web site.
I do not show entire films in classes, you must see them on your own, we discuss only select scenes.
Chekhov's one-acts are updated -- The Bear, The Proposal (1st act -- Oh, Love), Wedding, Tobacco (Act II -- Ah, Marriage!), but I'm still working on the "funeral" (Last Day of Anton Chekhov). mini-chekhov
I am teaching DramLit -- groups.yahoo.com/group/dramlit (subscribe) and see THR215 for subjects, topics, titles.
Spring 2006 -- Waiting for Godot, Beckett -- new pages ( see shows )
"Classes" were the original structure of my website, but since I am getting more and more visitors, who are not in my actual classes, I had to redesign pages for virtual students. Nevertheless, you still can follow the logic of the syllabus.
Featured Pages: BioMX This directory is a basis of Virtual Classes (the same with the Open Rehearsals).
At first my webpages were for myself (keep the notes) and for my students (to get what they missed and/or more), but now the site is being used by the invibsale surfers. That does change the game. You, my friend-visitor, can't ask me in class -- "Anatoly, what do you mean by...?" I have to expend pages to make "Theatre w/Anatoly" self-serving machine.And I did. I got the search-the-site engines, I made FAQ pages, I use HTMLgear for updates. I try to shape each directory as a eBook (the pages are supposed to become chapters). But the advantage of the Open Source structure has it own problems.
Web has natural tendancy to grow horizontaly and you have to keep building the vertical structure (tree). Not only the sites, but even directory can lose focus because of the new pages. But this is the issue for webmaster (see Web Directory).
Well, in short, since you use the pages for free, do me a favor, write back about the problems with my webpages. Thanks.
Anatoly, 3rd Millennium.
Classes, Intro -- Theatre
Acting, Directing, Drama and more (Aesthetics, Film, Web).Books Pages (links) must be placed on subject pages! (Sorry, folks, from time to time you can hear me talking to myself. No, it's not the style, but the need of the webmaster -- we have to talk to each other. Read Webman's Diary). Besides, the book pages I made, because everybody else had them, although now I am using those pages for my own webBooks. This is a very postmodern way to write online, when nothing is finished (even after 3 years of webbing). But what do I know? Maybe this is the new way to write. And read. The hypertext, friends, is so erratic! Here, there, no linear logic, the narrative looks like a mind of an idiot or a cat. Present time only. Out of sight, out of mind. Anyway, whatever, as you say, the youngsters....Navigation: use the class pages, or directories... or "search-site" links!
Three levels in acting: fundamentals, intermediate (Biomechanics), advanced (Method). I try to reflect it in three levels of terminology.
Finally, I separate my Research into different directories. And Virtual Theatre projects have their own website.
The best way to stay inform is to subscribe to one of the eGroups I have (it gives you a chance to interact with other members).
If you are looking for textbooks, see Books Directory, but I do not have time to work on those pages (I have to work on my own web-textbooks).
I do not plan to teach online classes at the moment, but you might check UAF (University of Alaska Fairbanks official website) for details.
I spent some time fixing Shows directory: I try to arrange it as showcases, so each production can serve as educational experience.
Oh, no! Those "htmlgears" are screwing everything on my pages! (You see, I don't read what I write and my students often tell me -- Anatoly, why don't you look at your pages once in a while? Well, I do not see my shows too. They don't understand it, too. They are young, they have so much time!)
What? Oh, yes, this is an introduction to my classes! Right! Of course! Thank you.
A secret. I am not a real teacher. I am an accidental professor. I never thought about teaching. All what I do, I speak my mind. Yes, about theatre and film. I do not teach; I hate teaching and preaching. I learn something -- and I talk about it. You teach yourself. Any education is self-education. Nobody can teach you anything, only you who can do it.
Report the dead links!
Live Writing Advice @2001-2002 *![]()